Sunday, September 7, 2014

Jerry "Sneak Disser" Jones

Ladies and gentlemen it has come to my attention that Dallas Cowboys owner, president, and GM has a problem with his "@" button. (For those who don't get that, he has a problem addressing people directly.)In a recent interview with ESPN Jerry Jones sneak dissed ex Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson.

I have one question to ask. How dare Jerry disrespect a man who gave the now struggling Cowboys 2 of the 5 Super Bowl trophies they have?

The back and forth between the two rose again after Jerry said that Jimmy Johnson will not go into the Cowboys Ring of Honor. Jerry went on to say, the Ring of Honor is only for people who were on the field. So did Jerry not expect anyone to notice that Tom Landry (ex Cowboys coach with 2 Super Bowl wins) and Tex Schramm (Ex Cowboys GM) are in the Ring of Honor?

"DallascowboysRoH". Via Wikipedia -

To add to the disrespect Jerry said that the Ring of Honor is only for men with "honor." I didn't know Jimmy didn't have honor. I didn't even know that Jerry had it. Then again even if Jimmy lacked honor why be mad at a man bringing in back to back Super Bowl wins?

If Jones and Johnson could have put their petty differences to the side the Dallas Cowboys could have been the greatest NFL dynasty. But sadly for Cowboys fans it wasn't meant to be.

When asked to comment on the situation Jimmy Johnson said "about like I expected. Jerry comes across as a rich [expletive]."Well, at least someone here knows how to use that "@" button.

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